The Role of Business Leadership in Advancing Early Childhood Policy
Event Summary
On Wednesday, March 23, AEI’s Katharine B. Stevens, in partnership with ReadyNation, convened a panel of business leaders to discuss their roles in advancing early childhood policy. These leaders included George Halvorson, former CEO of Kaiser Permanente; John Pepper, former CEO of Proctor & Gamble Co.; and James K. Spurlino, CEO of Spurlino Materials.
All three remarked on the learning gaps within the current K–12 education system and the problems they create for workforce readiness. In looking to ameliorate this problem and prepare citizens for school and the workforce, these business leaders have targeted their efforts on early childhood.
Citing notable scientific research, the panelists maintained that the first three years of a child’s life are the most crucial in shaping brain development and subsequent lifetime success. For these reasons, the panelists concluded that investing in and informing others about the importance of early childhood, not just early schooling, is a social, moral, and economic imperative.
Event Description
As awareness of the importance of children’s early years has grown in recent years, business leaders have played an increasingly visible role in the early childhood field — both directly supporting innovative early childhood initiatives and promoting public policies that help children succeed in school and in life. Why do these private sector leaders choose to get involved in early childhood? What value do they bring to the field?
Join ReadyNation and AEI’s Katharine Stevens for a panel discussion with notable business leaders from around the country to explore the business community’s key role in advancing the well-being of the nation’s youngest and most vulnerable learners.
8:45 AM
Registration and breakfast
9:00 AM
Introduction and welcome:
Katharine B. Stevens, AEI
9:05 AM
Sara Watson, ReadyNation; Council for a Strong America
9:15 AM
Panel discussion
George Halvorson, Kaiser Permanente
John Pepper, Procter & Gamble Co.
James K. Spurlino, Spurlino Materials
Katharine B. Stevens, AEI
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
See Also
Report ~ June 21, 2017
Podcast ~ March 4, 2020