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Early Childhood Education
A Caution to Early Educators
It’s important to remember that getting money in the budget isn’t enough to realize the promise of early education. How early learning programs are designed and carried out is as important as whether they’re done at all.
Early Childhood Education: Worth Doing and Worth Doing Right
The well-being of America’s most vulnerable kids is crucial to both their life chances and the success of our country as a whole. Failing to act on this issue condemns millions of our youngest citizens to a bad start that many can never overcome.
Head Start Effectiveness Varies — the Important Question Is Why
An important new study reanalyzed data from the Head Start Impact Study, showing that some Head Start centers are effective while others are not.
A Pivotal Shift in the New Child Care and Development Block Grant
The most striking aspect of the newly-reauthorized federal childcare program is its pivotal shift from seeing child care solely as a babysitting service for working parents to recognizing it, too, as a crucial opportunity for young children’s early development and learning.