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Early Childhood Education
Empowering Parents with Tech: How SC Revolutionized Access to Early Childhood Services (with Georgia Mjartan)
Georgia Mjartan explains how First 5 South Carolina’s innovative new technology streamlines access to early childhood services, cutting red tape and empowering parents to better support their children.
The Economics of Flourishing: On Education and Early Childhood
Katharine Stevens joins the Economics of Flourishing series at the Archbridge Institute to discuss the role of education, parental stability, and skills development in fostering human flourishing.
How Family Policy Debates Sometimes Ignore the Family Itself
Dr. Katharine Stevens joins host Nic Dunn of the Sutherland Institute to help recenter true pro-family policy at the core of public debates and offer policymakers and voters a framework for a better approach.
Capita’s Approach to Advancing Child and Family Flourishing (with Joe Waters)
Katharine Stevens is joined by Joe Waters, co-founder and CEO of Capita, to discuss Capita's origins and work to improve the lives of children and families.
Why Marriage Matters for Family and Child Well-Being (with Brad Wilcox)
Brad Wilcox, professor of sociology and director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, discusses the decline in marriage among lower-income adults and explains its role in family strength and well-being.
Building a Roadmap for Prenatal-to-3 State Policy (with Cynthia Osborne)
Cynthia Osborne discusses the work of the Prenatal-to-Three Policy Impact Center and describes the state-level policies and strategies highlighted in the Center’s recently-released 2023 State Policy Roadmap.
“Build Back Better”: A Flawed Agenda or the Right Plan for Early Care and Education Policy?
An expert panel joins CCFP and the Niskanen Center to discuss Katharine Stevens’s new report on the strengths and weaknesses of Build Back Better’s early care and education legislation, and the best path forward for federal policy.
Empowering Parents and Scaling Preschool Success (with Art Rolnick)
Katharine Stevens interviews economist Art Rolnick about his nationally recognized work with the Minnesota Early Learning Scholarships program, a parent-choice-driven model providing scholarships to parents with children from ages prenatal to five.
How Early Childhood is the Foundation of Social Capital (with Chris Bullivant)
Katharine Stevens interviews Chris Bullivant about why social capital matters to a thriving society, and how the foundation of social capital is formed through children’s secure attachment established in the birth-to-three period.
Parenting Is the Key to Early Development and Social Mobility – Part 2 (with James Heckman and Jorge Luis Garcia)
In the second part of this two-part conversation, Katharine Stevens continues her discussion with economists James Heckman and Jorge Luis Garcia about their pioneering research on how improving parenting is the essential mechanism of effective early childhood programs.
Parenting Is the Key to Early Development and Social Mobility (with James Heckman and Jorge Luis Garcia)
In the inaugural episode of CCFP's new podcast, Katharine Stevens interviews renowned economists James Heckman and Jorge Luis Garcia about their collaborative research on the power of early childhood interventions to promote social mobility and build human capital.
Supporting Parental Choice in Early Education
Katharine B. Stevens joins an expert panel at RISE 2023 to discuss the policy and practice of supporting a mixed delivery system and parental choice in early education.
Is the Impact of Pre-K on Children Negative? — Tipping Point New Mexico
This fall, New Mexico voters will vote on proposed use of New Mexico's Land Grant Permanent Fund to fund universal pre-K. Paul Gessing sits down with Katharine Stevens, CEO of the newly-launched Center on Child and Family Policy, to discuss New Mexico's growing pre-K push.
Assessing Joe Biden’s Early Childhood Plans — The Education Gadfly Show
Katharine Stevens joins Mike Petrilli and David Griffith to discuss President-elect Biden’s ambitious childcare and pre-K plans.
A Century of Working Women and the Future of Family Childcare
For the centennial anniversary of the Women's Bureau, three childcare experts join Katharine Stevens for a special webinar on family childcare. What is uniquely valuable about home-based childcare? What is causing its decline? How can we restore this crucial sector — especially in a post-COVID-19 world?
Improving Outcomes for New Mexico Children — Tipping Point New Mexico
Katharine Stevens joins Paul Gessing to discuss the New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee’s recently-released study of the state’s pre-K program, its implications for state pre-K policy, and better ways to improve outcomes for the state’s children.
Practical Perspectives on “A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty”
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently released a report, “A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty,” describing two packages of federal policies aiming to cut US child poverty by half within a decade. An expert panel joins Katharine Stevens to discuss the realistic prospects for the report’s proposals to improve children’s lives.